Enjoy training and
improve your child's
athletic ability
and etiquette!

he world's top brand Jiu-Jitsu gym
Carpe Diem Okinawa

Kids Jiu-Jitsu ClassNow accepting
new members!

lack belt instructors for
ages 4 to junior high school students!

can also join kids gymnastics class at no extra charge!

You can observe
and try for free.Apply Now!
Carpe Diem Okinawa

Carpe Diem Okinawa kids jiu-jitsu classes for9,000yen/monthfor unlimited

Membership Fee

  • 10,000 yen
  • 9,000 yen

Gymnastics Class at no extra charge!

CampaignFree trial → Join on the same day and get a gi (uniform) +
belt, worth as a free gift!


Kids Jiu-Jitsu Class
4-6 years old

  • Tuesday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

Kids Jiu-Jitsu Class
7-13 years old

  • Tuesday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

Kids Gymnastics Class

  • Tuesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday

We asked the parents of
Carpe Diem Kids

What we like about Carpe Diem Okinawa
Kids Jiu-Jitsu Class

  • It's perfect for us parents who want our children to develop their physical strength and athletic ability!
  • We are happy that our children can learn greetings and etiquette.
  • Parents and children get excited before's great to be able to participate in a sport!
  • It's great that the children can continue to do their best to achieve their next belt on their own initiative!
  • I feel safe that our chirdlen can receive safe instruction in a clean gym.

Builds physical strength!
Improves athletic ability!

One of the most important things to emphasize in children's lessons is physical development and physical fitness. It is very important for children to learn how to use their bodies, to acquire proper posture, and to cultivate flexibility and basic physical strength during their growth period from kindergarten to junior high school.
Jiu-Jitsu, which combines the whole body, is ideal for children's physical development. Black belt instructors teach according to the characteristics and level of each student, so physical fitness and athletic ability can be steadily acquired. In fact, many children say that their posture has improved, they are no longer afraid of exercise, and they like physical education at school better since they started attending Carpe Diem Okinawa.

Greetings and etiquette can be learned.

iu-Jitsu is a sport that can be enjoyed by all people, but it is originally a martial art. We place great importance on greetings and courtesy, so we begin each lesson with a bow and end it with a bow as well. As children participate in the weekly lessons, they will naturally learn such manners as sitting quietly and listening when the instructor is speaking, and paying respect to their opponent in practice and competition, which they can use in your daily life.

Because they can participate in matches, they can set goals.

Carpe Diem Okinawa's kids' classes allow them to participate in international matches and competitions. In some sports lessons, small children may not be allowed to participate in matches, but with Carpe Diem Okinawa, they can participate in matches at the level of their "belt" if they wish to do so.
Participating in a match itself is a valuable experience, and a match against an opponent of the same level, win or lose, will motivate the child to move on to the next level. Of course, children who do not wish to participate do not have to participate in games. Let's practice according to their own goals and objectives.

Aiming for the next belt!
Small steps so you can keep going!

Carpe Diem has a belt system. As is well known in judo, karate, and other sports, the highest level is a black belt, and students work their way up to black belts at lower levels.
In Carpe Diem's kids' classes, students are promoted from white to gray to yellow to orange to green. There are also detailed levels from white belt to gray belt, expressed in terms of the number of stripes. The number of stripes increases in order from one to four, leading to the next band. The small-step system is very detailed, and even children who have difficulty in continuing with their studies can continue to enjoy their studies.

Clean gym and 3 instructors
for safety and security

The image of a martial arts gym may be one that smells of sweat, but Carpe Diem Okinawa is a spacious and stylish gym with a refreshing blue base color. The shower rooms and restrooms are well cleaned and sanitized to ensure a clean and comfortable environment for both children and their parents waiting for them.
Kids' classes always have three instructors. Although Jiu-Jitsu is not dangerous for children, our professionally trained instructors pay close attention to them, so they can take lessons safely and securely.

What is CARPEDIEM, the world's top brand of Jiu-Jitsu?

Carpe Diem Okinawa is the Okinawa branch of CARPE DIEM, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu dojo headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.
Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that was born in Japan, developed in Brazil, and spread all over the world. Although it is a martial art, punching and kicking are forbidden, and since it mainly consists of kumite techniques using the whole body, it is safe for everyone from children to adults. It is highly popular among celebrities in Japan and abroad because of its safety and low risk of injury, as well as its high level of exercise. It is also well known that Google Inc. has adopted it as part of their employee welfare program.
Carpe Diem Okinawa is the first branch in OKinawa of Carpe Diem, which has more than 30 branches in Japan and overseas, and since its opening in the summer of 2021, the high level of skill of the instructors and the stylish gym facilities have been well-received and there have been many applicants for membership. The kids' classes have also gained popularity due to the fun and attentive instruction provided by the cheerful instructors, and classes have increased to four times a week.
Carpe Diem Okinawa Kids Class is becoming one of the standard classes in the Mihama area.

Black Belt Instructors are teaching!Kids Class Instructor

His cheerful character is very popular among children.

Hiryu Okamoto

  • Tuesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday

He has been attending a judo school since he was a child, and participated in the Inter-High School and National Athletic Meet in judo during his high school years. After entering university, he became interested in martial arts and placed 3rd in Japan in amateur Shuto. After turning pro, he participated in many famous tournaments such as Sengoku, DEEP, and ZST, and boasts a career of over 20 fights.
His cheerful character is very popular among children. He has studied judo since he was a child, and he is good at coaching students with their feelings in mind. He teaches techniques and etiquette according to the students' goals and objectives, from children who want to enjoy physical fitness to elementary and junior high school students who want to learn martial arts in earnest.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighter!


  • Tuesday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

He started Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil, earned his brown belt, a sign of Jiu-Jitsu mastery, and became a professional Jiu-Jitsu practitioner. He is also highly skilled in no-gi and is a no-gi instructor for general classes.
His high technical skills and careful instruction are his specialty, and he is always practicing with children with a smile on his face.
LJJR ( liga de jiu-jítsu do Recôncavo) brown belt middle weight Champion 2022/01

Martial artist with experience in coaching professional fighters
Martial artist with experience in coaching professional fighters

Azuma Emerson

  • Tuesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday

All Japan Master Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu champion [black belt feather]
Winner of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Asia Cup [Black Belt Feather]
3rd place [Black Belt Feather] in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Master World Championships
Carpe Diem Okinawa's main instructor Emerson's motto is to teach students to "learn techniques that can be used". He also teaches children to develop their individual strengths in anticipation of their future.

I'll teach you techniques for kids!


Winner of the Amateur Shuto Okinawa Championship 2022 (Strawweight -52.2kg)
He has been learning karate since I was 4 years old and started jujitsu at the same time in the second grade of elementary school.
To improve his technique, he also took up boxing.
When he entered junior high school, he switched from karate to kickboxing, and while continuing to practice jiu-jitsu, he practice every day with the goal of becoming an MMA champion.
He is very interested in coaching kids and strives daily to teach techniques to children in a fun way.

I teach kids gymnastics classes and teach them movements that lead to jiu-jitsu.

Yuki Ono

She was a member of the basketball team in elementary, junior high, and high school, and although she has no particular martial arts experience, she started martial arts at the age of 29 as a fitness tool and enjoyed it so much that she actively participated in amateur competitions.
In order to pass on to children the joy of jujutsu, which she herself was hooked on, she teaches a kids' gymnastics class that builds the foundation of physical movement. She is known for her specialized instruction for young children.

Let's have fun moving our bodies♪


Champion of the 42nd All Okinawa Amateur Kickboxing Tournament, Junior Title Match 2022 -40kg
She started karate at the age of 5 and trained for 6 years until the 4th grade of elementary school. In the second grade, under the influence of his father and older brother, he started Jiu-Jitsu and never lost a match in the prefecture!
Recently, she has been participating in MMA classes and training hard every day.
She also enjoys teaching kids gymnastics classes to get them moving and have fun.

Fun & Continuing LearningCarpe Diem Okinawa
- Free Trial

Features of
Kids Jiu-Jitsu Class

  • Kids can start from 4 years old! Safe and secure for young children to develop the habit of physical exercise.
  • Black belt instructor will teach each child individually and carefully.
     Whether your children want to compete in a full-fledged tournament or just improve their physical fitness, they can step up at their own pace and have fun.
  • Your children will learn the etiquette! Jiu-Jitsu begins and ends with courtesy, so they can learn consideration and respect for others even in a fun environment.
  • There are always 3 instructors in the class at all times. They are specially trained to teach kids, so you can feel safe and secure.
  • The gym is spacious and clean, so children and waiting parents can spend a comfortable time.
  • Children 4-7 years old can participate in kids' gymnastics class at no extra charge!
    We will support your child's physical development with specialized instruction for preschool children.


2F 2-14-4 Chatan, Chatan-cho, Nakagami-gun,
Okinawa, Japan 9040116
9:00 - 21:00
on national holidays

Covered parking lot is available for pick-up and drop-off.

Contact us

Click here to apply for a free trial

Kids' Gymnastics Classes
are also popular♪

Kids gymnastics classes are offered twice a week for children 4-7 years old only.
There is no additional charge if your child participates in the Kids Jiu-Jitsu Class!

Learn the movements that form the base of Jiu-Jitsu!

In the Kids Gymnastics Class, children practice mat exercises such as forward and backward rolls, flexibility exercises, and other movements that form the basis of various exercises. This program is tailored to the characteristics of preschoolers, no back rolls or other difficult moves! Students carefully learn how to use their bodies, which leads to movements using the whole body of Jiu-Jitsu.

Practice incorporates play,
so they never get bored!

The exercises are fun and developmentally-appropriate, and are performed to sounds and rhythms, using mats and balls, and other playful activities. Young children, who tend to get bored easily, can concentrate on the lesson for 60 minutes.

Courtesy is important even
in gymnastics class!

In gymnastics class, as in Jiu-Jitsu class, greetings and courtesy are also emphasized. At the beginning and end of each lesson, we greet each other firmly. We also nurture social skills such as waiting for one's turn, giving in, and talking to each other during mat exercises.

Parents' Voices
from Carpe Diem Kids

  • Ms. M
    (with a 1st grade boy enrolled)

    My son was invited by a friend to join Carpe Diem Kids Class. I was worried about whether he would be able to continue since he was not that good at sports, but he started and I am glad he enjoyed it so much. The instructors are very kind and even my child, who is a little shy, felt comfortable.
    He participated in a game and he lost right away, but I was amazed at how motivated he was. I was surprised to see his motivation. I am looking forward to the future.

  • Mr. O
    (with 5-year-old girl enrolled)

    I was already enrolled in an adult Jiu-Jitsu class because I like martial arts, and my daughter, who sometimes came to watch, wanted to try it too. I let her try it first. She seemed to be very happy when she was allowed to try a few techniques during the trial and said she wanted to continue, so I let her join, even though I thought it was a little early. I was a little worried because she is a little younger than the other children who participate in the class, but the teachers teach her well according to her age, and she seems to be happy every time he goes to the class.

  • Mr. K
    (with a boy in grade 3 enrolled)

    I was looking for something physically active for my son and decided to enroll him in Carpe Diem because I knew that Jiu-Jitsu was a safe way to get a full-body workout.
    Recently, he has moved up one rank in the belt system! My son wasn't too keen on the belt system at first, but he was so happy to see his belt color change that he is now motivated to move on to the next color.
    I personally recommend the parking lot for easy pick up and drop off, and the gym is clean and comfortable to visit!

  • Ms. A
    (junior high school boy enrolled)

    As a junior high school student who loves martial arts, he practices seriously. I am glad that I hear that he is practicing stoically for his fights. It's good to have something to be enthusiastic about.
    The instructors are able to provide guidance for both those who are mainly interested in physical development and those who, like my son, want to compete in matches or want to get serious about martial arts, so they can work toward their own goals.
    The instructors are very cheerful and attentive, so if you are not sure about what your children want to do, I think you should try it out for theirself.


What do you do in practice?
We start with stretching and mat exercises, followed by basic movement practice, technique practice, and sparring.
We practice in a way that is comfortable for the child's level. We will practice according to the level of your child's ability.
Can a child who is not good at sports continue?
Please don't worry. We will provide guidance according to the physical abilities and characteristics of each child, whether they are good at sports or not. 
For children who are not good at sports, we will start with the basics, such as building a flexible body, and work up to the next level without any difficulty.
Are there any girls?
Yes, we have a number of girls. Although there are more boys than girls in general, girls are also energetic. We also have female instructors, so you can leave it to us with peace of mind.
Can parents observe during practice?
Only during free trials and on Saturdays. We ask that parents refrain from talking to their children or talking to each other so that the children can concentrate on their practice.
Do the child have to participate in games?
The child is free to decide whether or not to participate in games. We will make a decision based on your child's wishes as well.
What will be taught in the kids' gymnastics class?
We learn the basic movements of Jiu-Jitsu such as forward and backward rolls, bridges, and shrimps, as well as how to use the body in common with all physical activities.
We also aim to improve motor skills through children's favorite games such as tag.